ZOOM MEETINGS with Jury Members:
1) Professional Categories First Round Zoom meeting with adjudicator:
May 11th; 2:30PM(european time), EST 8:30am, and Beijing / Taipei Time at 8:30pm.
2) Professional Categories Final Round Zoom Meeting with Prof.Pikul :
May 15th, European Time 2pm, EST 8am, mid-night for New Zealand, and Asia Time 8pm
3) Professional Categories Final Round Zoom Meeting with Prof. Nel
May 16th, European Time 2pm, EST 8am, mid-night for New Zealand, and Asia Time 8pm
4) Professional Categories Final Round Zoom Meeting with Ms.Ye
May 17th, European Time 2pm, EST 8am, mid-night for New Zealand, and Asia Time 8pm
5) Zoom Meeting with Jury member - Younggun Kim
(International: Advanced Category (15-17yr), Comtemporary Group;
Local : RCM Lvl 1 Repertoire, Lvl2 Repertoire, Lvl 3 Etude, Concerto Category, Lvl4 Etude, Lvl 10 Etude, Lvl 9 Etude and Repertoire)
Time: Friday , June 4th 2021 @ 9:00 EST; Europe 15:00; Asia 21:00
6) Zoom Mini-Masterclass with Jury Member - Joon Kee Min
(Category D and Amateur Category)
Time: Monday, May 31, 8:15 EST, 14:15 Europe Time, 20:15 Asia Time
7) Zoom Masterclass with Jury Member - Oliver Jia
Time: Sunday, May3 0, 2021 9:00 EST, 15:00 Europe Time, 21:00 Asia Time
8) Zoom Meeting with Jury Member - Ilya Maximov
(Sonata Category, Bach Category, Category D and Amateur Gategory)
Time: Friday, June 11 2021, 9:00 EST, 15:00 Europe Time, 21:00 Asia Time
9) Zoom Masterclass with Artistic Director of AegioIPC 2021, Professional Category Jury member - Sijing Ye
Time: June 5th , 8:00 EST, 14:00 Europe Time, 20:00 Asia Time
10) Zoom Masterclass with Jury Member - Jason Bae
Time: June 10, 20:00 EST, 8:00 (June 11) Asia Time, noon - NZST
AegioIPC Winner Online Concert

Time: Jun 13, 2021 08:00 AM America/Toronto