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  1. The 2021 Aegio International Piano Competition is open to contestants of all nationalities.

  2. The 2021 Aegio International Piano Competition will be online only. 

  3. All contestants must submit unedited videos for their applications. 

  4. The application deadline is Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 24:00hr (EST). This deadline includes completion of a video submission and payment of the application and registration fees.  

  5. Following the application deadline, the application and registration fees will be non-refundable.

  6. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

  7. Decisions by the jury are final and unappealable.

  8. The 2021 Aegio International Piano Competition reserves rights to publish contestant's photos and videos for any use, including promotion (once submitted), and will not provide remuneration to contestants for such use. 

  9. Contestants waive all rights and claims to the use of the submitted videos and photos contained in their application

  10. The 2021 Aegio International Piano Competition will not be responsible for accommodation or airfare in connection with any performance/recital awarded to a contestant as a result of their participation in this competition.

  11. Participants who are applying for the Professional category are not eligible to apply for Groups A-D, Advanced & Amateur Category. 

  12. First, Second, and Third Prizes will be awarded for each category. Tied prizes will be awarded at the jury’s discretion.

  13. The competition will award three (3) grand prize winners in total: One Grand Prize for Groups A-E, Advanced, and Amateur; One Grand Prize for Professional Categories; and One Grand Prize for RCM syllabus (Toronto Local) Category

  14. Each contestant will receive a participation certificate. No comments from the jury will be provided. However, jury comments are available upon request. 

  15. Contestant’s ages will be based as of January 1, 2021 with reference to their birth date.


Video Submission Rules:

  1. For non-professional categories and  RCM syllabus (Toronto Local)   Category, it is permitted to submit separately recorded pieces together as one video. However, each piece must be recorded in a single, continuous take. Any editing or splicing of within a piece (in any manner whatsoever) is prohibited and will result in immediate disqualification. 

  2. For professional categories, each of the Preliminary and Final Rounds must be recorded in a single, continuous take. Contestants are not permitted to record repertoire separately and combine separate recordings of different pieces into one video. 

  3. If the contestant is entering multiple classes, a video must be prepared for each class that the contestant is participating in (i.e. if you are entering two different classes, please submit two videos.) 

  4. The video may be recorded in any location with clear lighting such that the camera view clearly shows the piano keyboard, pedal, hands, and the face of the contestant.

  5. The camera angle must remain stationary throughout the video.

  6. Although the jury will not be judging the quality of videos, it is expected that videos are of a reasonable video and audio quality. 

  7. For Professional categories, the video quality must be at least 720p resolution.

  8. For Group A-E, Advanced, Amateur, and RCM Syllabus, repeat signs are not necessary. However, D.C. (da capo markings) must be observed.

  9. All videos must be uploaded to Youtube, with private link share (unlisted.)  (Chinese Contestants are allowed to upload to Youku (with password setting of "123") and Bilibili.

  10. Each Youtube title must include the contestant’s full name, category and age.  (Ex. John William, E Category, age 13)

  11. Videos must be recorded after September 30, 2020.

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